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    Ma-Uri massage is a holistic type of therapeutic massage. It is a hitghly effectiv and carefully composed massage that was created out of ancient Polynesian healing traditions and based on  the philosophy of Huna. The basic notion behind this philosophy is a cteative and flexible approach of the life, personal development, and healing.
    This ancient knowledge and holistic healing system of the polinesian people what was brought to the Islands by Starmen -according to the thousand year-old legend- was joint and developped by Hemi and Katja Fox for the expectations of the modern ages. 



    The distinctiveness of Ma-Uri massage lies in the dynamic application of movements, touch and rhythm. The masseuse is in constant flowing movement with defined patterns of foot placement and body posture. The forearms sweep all over the body in long movements to the rhythm of music, creating a constant flow of energy that helps realease memories recorded in the body. This will activate the body’s innate healing powers, and refilling it with life.
    Ma-Uri massage is a dynamic form of massage, but in the same time it is extraordinarily graceful and light. It creates a state of total relaxation, helping you to face the reality and  the unnecessary addictions in your life. Ma-Uri massage is highly effective as a stress relief and helps to heal traumatic memories.

    The treatmant is done with warm oil and personalisd music. The person who gets the treatment is undressed, but not fully naked, because the intim parts are coverd by a towel. The treatmant lasts 1-1,5 hour. I’m in coplete harmony with the guest during the massage in a safe and affectionate milieu. I massage almost all of the body with special technic of forearm and beautiful flowing dance movements, included the joints and the face.The Ma-uri massage is not an erotic massage, anyone searching that kind of attention will need to look elsewhere.



    The Ma-Uri massage has a favorable impact on blood and lymph circulations even on the skin. It improves metabolism and relaxes muscels. Beyond relaxing the body, it has a spiritual and energy effects as well. It disengages the traumatic memories were  retained in the body, and activates healing powers. It gives energy, and it cerats the conditions for spiritual healing.

    The 12 basic principles of Ma-Uri massage:

    And then: Touch


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